Monday, May 17, 2010


I'm trying to give up drinking at the moment, and to be honest, I'm finding it pretty hard going.

After the abject failure which was my attempt at FebFast, I realised I actually had a fairly significant problem with alcohol, so consequently three weeks ago I enlisted professional help by consulting the Turning Point Drug & Alcohol Centre in Gertrude Street, Fitzroy.

After my first meeting with a GP there, and regular home visits from a nurse, things started well: my first week of trying not to drink I had four days off the grog - at least a 10 year record - and the following week I was alcohol-free for six days: a personal best, given that I started drinking at about 13, when my parents introduced the idea of half a glass of wine at dinner in an attempt to convey the concept of sensible drinking (I think the plan backfired - it probably hard-wired a liking for booze into my adolescent brain, and as a concept would certainly be frowned upon today).

I also managed not to drink under some fairly trying circumstances, such as my farewell drinks from Melbourne Fringe a couple of weeks ago (I've resigned from the Board after eight years, three of them as Chair), which I was pretty bloody happy with, all things considered. Who knew mineral water could be so satisfying a substitute? And I've certainly drastically reduced my alcohol intake.

Equally pleasing, I lost 2.5 kilos by the end of the second week, which was especially encouraging: I weighed myself a couple of days before my non-drinking attempt began and discovered to my horror that I weighed 100.6 kg - the most I've ever weighed, that I know of. I used to weigh about 85 kg the last time I properly checked - which was, admittedly, about eight years ago.

This week, unfortunately, I've fallen back into some bad habits - a glass of wine at lunchtime, a bottle of wine finished by the evening, with a few ciders as a post-dinner chaser - which means I've only had a couple of alcohol free days this week. I've put some weight back on as well.

So, from tomorrow the plan is to go back to total abstinence from alcohol, at least for a couple of months; a plan which will be helped by having my first regular appointment with a drug and alcohol counsellor on Friday. It's not going to be easy, I know, but I hope I can do it.

Wish me luck.


magical_m said...

I did the same thing two years ago and boy, is it tough. But it's worth it when you notice things like weight loss, having more energy, feeling more alert and (best of all for me) all the extra money in my bank account at the end of the week!

I also discovered a lot about my relationships and sadly lost a few friends in the process - it's amazing how many relationships are based on going out and getting rat-arsed together. But ultimately, I think that was a good thing - the friends who stuck with me are the ones worth keeping!

Don't punish yourself if you lapse and have a drink or two... I think the key is moderation, which I've finally mastered (I think!). And just take it one day at a time.

Good luck!


Mel said...

Good luck Richard!

Cazzie!!! said...

It is great that you noticed and have reached out to good people to assist you in this difficult feat. But, you know, you have said that there are positives already, and so, on with the weight loss and feeling great :) You can do it :)

Alison Croggon said...

Good luck indeed!

Anonymous said...

((((Good Luck))))

Frank said...

Good on you for talking about this publicly - good luck for the future.

conrad said...

Good luck Richard! I still remember you as a fairly thin guy in his 20s just developing a pot belly (you probably only weighed 70 kilos then) -- I can't believe you're 100 kilos now!

Unknown said...


Your blog-piece resonated with me...I've taken up serious running with does help.

Good luck - keep us posted please


Victor said...

Good luck from me too. I need the inspiration.

Luckily I don't have a taste for alcohol but I drink far too much fizzy soft drink and I'm as much addicted to them as others are to alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Richard.
I myself have carried over my youthful tolerance of and desire for alcohol into parenthood and am finding it very hard to let go.
I encourage you to let us know how its going.

Anonymous said...

Good on you Richard. I know it's hard at a metabolic level - more so than even smoking because of the tightly entwined status of drink with sociability.

At the other end of the drinking timeline one outcome is Korsakoff Syndrome (dementia caused by vitamin deficiencies associated with long-term alcoholism), which we believe my father has. His personality is quite gone, in only two years.

If you fall off the horse, get back on. You have a lovely brain Richard. I'd like you to keep it!

Mwa, AnnaH